New Frontiers

Supporting emerging markets and technologies to create a better tomorrow.

As a result of 43 Unreasonable ventures, 2,774,551 individuals have gained decent work or productive employment.


That's more than the entire population of Namibia, providing a transformative boost to livelihoods and economic stability.


This number is akin to employing every single resident in Kuwait City, dramatically reshaping the local economy.


Imagine every person in Chicago starting a new job. This is the scale of impact we're looking at.

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As a result of 38 Unreasonable ventures, 1,881,049 women have earned steady, decent employment.


That's comparable to the entire female labor force of Latvia and Estonia combined.


This number is akin to filling more than 20 times the total seating capacity of Madison Square Garden with employed women.


That's roughly equivalent to employing every adult woman in the city of Philadelphia.

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As a result of 24 Unreasonable ventures, 1,129,668 women have been empowered to fulfill leadership roles.


This is equivalent to empowering every woman in a city the size of Brussels to take on a leadership role.


This number is comparable to the total number of attendees at five consecutive Summer Olympic Games.


This figure surpasses the entire population of nations such as Cyprus or Fiji, effectively creating a new nation of female leaders.

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Exploring the future of medicine, healthcare and working towards universal access.


Ensuring high quality learning and up-skilling opportunities for all.