The challenge isn’t starting a crowdfunding campaign; it’s running it. Few people think about these questions before embarking upon a crowdfunding campaign.
In business, knowing how to creatively optimize resources can be the dividing factor between a company that's successful and one struggling to make it.
If your business succeeds, it isn’t because you have a damn good product—global forces are aligning to make success inevitable. Use your pitch to explain.
Many social entrepreneurs have an ambivalent attitude towards marketing. They may think that marketing is all about deceptive advertising, but marketing doesn’t have to be sleazy. In fact, developing the marketing mindset will help you and your customers.
Watch this interview to learn the secrets of the trade from one of the greatest story tellers and directors of our time. His secrets are acutely relevant to entrepreneurs and those attempting to shift paradigms.
Interview with Matt Mullenweg, Founder of Wordpress, shares the story of Wordpress from conception to realization & how this platform now serves as 17.5% of all websites around the world.