
How Tablets Create Jobs for Women and Improve Health Care in Pakistan

Photo from Unreasonable Media

On an otherwise reasonable evening in July, over 600 people packed an auditorium in Boulder, Colorado, for the culmination of the 2015 Unreasonable Institute. They came to watch 12 ventures take the stage and present their solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges.

The entrepreneur in this video is Asher Hasan of doctHERs.

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What urgent need do you address?

In Pakistan, many women are excluded from the work force simply for being women. This is especially true for female health care professionals—in fact, 75% of female medical school graduates are currently not practicing in Pakistan. Sometimes with marriage, a husband’s family dictates that the daughter-in-law is not allowed to work because it would bring shame to an affluent family if the husband wasn’t “man enough” to support his wife. Other times, there simply aren’t enough opportunities for qualified female community health workers to find jobs, especially when they live in rural areas or urban slums.

We are all about connecting women to their true calling and full potential. Tweet This Quote

What solution do you propose?

At doctHERs, we are all about connecting women to their true calling and full potential. We hire, train, and place nurses, midwifes, and community health workers. We provide the tools and technologies that allow female community health workers in low-income, marginalized communities to link with home-restricted but high quality female doctors. In real time, tablets transmit data from a patient in an urban slum undergoing a consultation to a home-based doctor, who can then diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. We currently operate in clinics in three urban slums, impacting approximately 250,000 lives. We plan to scale up and launch in another four clinics this year. Our goal is to make our product as affordable and accessible as possible, so we charge only $1 per video consultation. If we give women the opportunity, they will lift their communities and countries to a higher plane.