
The High Highs And Low Lows

Photo from Unsplash

This past August, we closed out Singularity University’s annual Global Solutions Program (GSP) – the batshit crazy ten week summer program bringing together 80 amazing individuals from all around the world to educate them in exponential and abundance thinking and challenge the participants to create solutions which positively impact humanity.

This was my third GSP at SingularityU, and it’s always been bittersweet when such an intense program (and experience) comes to an end.

Everyone works super hard to get to the moment when we welcome the participants on their first day. Then, you are essentially running on fumes during the whole program, working feverishly to create the best possible experience for everyone. You support people, provide guidance, hold them up when they need you, grow them, and work alongside them.

Lean into the experience, enjoy it while it lasts and practice good self-care to make sure the bruises aren’t too big. Tweet This Quote

And then it all comes to an end. One last bash, and all is over. What was an insane cacophony of noises in your head turns into total silence. Personally, I crash. I drop from the sky and fall into a dark hole.

Over the years, I have learned to manage this (a bit) better. I have learned that this is only temporary, that the next high is just around the corner. That this is my natural rhythm. And yet, it’s tough.

The reason why I am telling you this is that I know this to be true for many, many entrepreneurs. A lot of my friends go through the same cycle of extreme highs and lows building their companies.

If you want to live your life to the fullest and experience the true highs, then entrepreneurship might be just what you need. Tweet This Quote

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. But if you want to live your life to the fullest, and if you want to experience the true highs, it might be just what you need. Just be aware that it often is a Faustian bargain.

The best advice I can give you is this: Simply do it. Lean into the experience, enjoy it while it lasts, and practice good self-care to make sure the bruises aren’t too big.

Onward and upward!

This post originally published in Pascal’s blog.