
If You’re Not Learning, It’s Not Working

You won’t be doing this forever.
Your business model will be irrelevant in five years.
Your customers will need a better solution by the time you deliver this one.
Tomorrow doesn’t give a damn about what you did yesterday.

The truth in these statements becomes more resonant each day. Rapid change has become one of the few, if only, constants in this world. Regardless of our many worthwhile pursuits, the effort that matters most is our commitment to learning and growing.

We seek to change the world and to make it a better place. And when we are at our best, we leave positive dents in history as markers of our achievement. But those successes don’t mean anything unless we match the good we are doing with our work to improve and reinvent ourselves and our organizations.

The moment we stop learning is the moment our work is no longer relevant. We cannot serve our customers, create our products, or deliver our services in a world that no longer needs them – or us. When change comes, it won’t wait for us to catch up, and the people we could help most will be the ones left behind.

If you’re not learning, it’s not working.