Why Give a Damn:

There are hundreds of books and articles on Entrepreneurism and Social Enterprise. It would take you years to go through them all. Instead… Here’s a scarred Serial Entrepreneur’s MASTER CHECKLIST to change the world.

    1. Answer Entrepreneur’s 3 BIG QUESTIONS. (‘WHY’ are we in Business? ‘WHAT’ Business are we in? ‘HOW’ do we make money?)




    1. Embrace the ENTREPRENEUR’S MODEL:
      (Problem) (Solution) (Execution)


    1. Simplify your MESSAGE. (Your VISION/Your PURPOSE… on a NAPKIN.)


    1. Create POWERFUL STORIES. (YOUR story. The MARKET story. The SOLUTION story.)


    1. Develop your BUSINESS MODEL. (NOT a ‘Business Plan’. Visual & Visceral.)


    1. Do the MATH. (Revenue/Expenses. Use of Funds. Scale & Grow Numbers.)


    1. Create an ENGAGEMENT TOOL. (NOT a PowerPoint presentation.)


    1. Define the IDEAL INVESTOR PROFILE. (Angels. Champions. Partners.)


  1. JUST ASK!!! (Just Ask. Just Ask. Just Ask.)
BONUS: LIVE what you LOVE!

An Unreasonable Challenge:

Learn as much as you can about each of these action steps, then… stop talking and meeting and dreaming. Start doing. And, share your action in the comments!

Tom Suddes

Author Tom Suddes

Tom Suddes has made a name for himself as a thought leader, coach, consultant, speaker, and writer. He founded For Impact's The Suddes Group in 1983 after serving as Director of Development at The University of Notre Dame and after founding 11 companies in various sectors. In 25+ years The Suddes Group has raised over $1Billion for organizations around the world, run more than 400 successful fundraising campaigns, and transformed more than 5,000 organizations through their training, coaching, and consulting services. Clients range from Colleges and Universities to Start-ups to Ashoka Fellows.

More by Tom Suddes