
It’s Not Just Solar, It’s Modern Energy For Millions Across Africa

Off.Grid:Electric uses solar to light the homes of families typically making $1-$4 per day. The average house who switches from kerosene lanterns to Off.Grid immediately receives 50x the light they had before at a cost lower than they were previously paying. Off.Grid:Electric is electrifying over 1000 homes per month.

Our goal is to not just light a room, but to light the whole home. Tweet This Quote

Lighting solutions are critical for girls to be able to study at night, as they often have to help their families with work during the day. Off.Grid has seen an average of 2.5X increase in study hours for girls in homes that have modern electric light.

This post is part of a series profiling ventures in first accelerator program dedicated to impacting the lives of millions of girls in poverty. For more information on the program, check out the Girl Effect Accelerator website.