I felt compelled to build Girl Rising because I had stumbled across the story of a lifetime, and here’s the headline: Educating Girls Can Change the World.
Thread produces fabrics from plastic bottles found in the streets of some of the poorest communities on earth, providing jobs to thousands in the process.
Our historical approaches have fallen short of achieving our goals as a global community. What will we do differently to ensure better results for the SDGs?
For many Mexican families, paying for boiler fuel eats up monthly income and harms the environment. This technology helps them move toward affordable energy autonomy.
The world’s most exciting new entrepreneurs look nothing like the Silicon Valley stereotype. And they are forcing the world to rethink what's possible.
Our status as a nation is being fracked by challenges in infrastructure, demography and character. So far we have more challenges than solutions. Hack away.
Angaza aims to eradicate energy poverty around the world by making solar power more affordable than its toxic alternative — improving literacy in the process.