
What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know Before They Talk to the Press

The economics of many social enterprises can be oversimplified into the following: The inherent good of the mission increases their cost of goods (because they employ marginalized talent, reach underserved customers, or pursue some other noble end that will erode margins); and, if they’re lucky, that same goodness reduces marketing costs (by attracting editorial coverage, social sharing, or some other amplifier), thus canceling out the higher costs so that they can pay the bills.

So if you’re working in this arena, leveraging your mission to attract attention isn’t just good for you; it’s critical to your survival.

Attracting media attention isn’t just good for you; it’s critical to your survival. Tweet This Quote

Few things can help accomplish that like a great media interview. If you were born speaking in sound bites or had the luxury of getting formal media training, stop reading. For everyone else, there’s one sure way to make sure you make the most of a media interview, and it can be summed up in one word: “practice.”

In case you don’t have the time or money for a professional media coach to tell you what you should practice, here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:

To the first point, use bridging statements to get back to your message points as quickly as possible. Examples of these:

To the last point, when you practice, find someone to play the reporter role and run through a mock interview. Do that at least twice, and record each session so your most demanding critic (you) can listen and/or watch and improve your performance with every session.