All too often, entrepreneurs think that they are the hero and thus tell their story accordingly. But what happens when they make the audience the hero?
Why do you believe VCs keep telling you they invest into people, not products? Here's why tapping into the heart matters just as much as using your head.
Because understanding investor motivations is so important, we're going to let you in on the secret: there are only four reasons people invest in startups.
Fraudsters, con artists, and tricksters might have something to offer world changers, startup founders, and consensus builders about the art of pitching.
This podcast on pitching talks about the art of storytelling and not letting charts get in the way of your narrative—a lesson startups could take to heart.
Find pitching in front of an audience unnerving? This post shares a few hacks to enable the crowd to uncross their arms, lean forward, and become collaborators.
If your venture's going to solve the world's biggest problems, you must convince investors to believe in what you are doing. Read this post for the secret.
Entrepreneurs fret over the 30-second “elevator pitch.” However, in 2016, entrepreneurs should focus more on their 140-character, one-line “tweet pitch.”
If your business succeeds, it isn’t because you have a damn good product—global forces are aligning to make success inevitable. Use your pitch to explain.