
How To Clarify Your Mission In 2 Minutes Or Less

Photo from MissionImpossible

Why Give a Damn:

A ton of money has been wasted over-complicating these three things, read on to discover how to get clear on your vision, your mission and your values.

The authors of this post, Andrew Missingham and Ben Gallagher, are problem solvers who specialize in strategic planning, prototyping and facilitation. In this series they are documenting the launch of their company benandandrew.com

The secret is…
your mission is inside you, you just need to look.  Tweet This Quote

Much of the work that we’re asked to do is helping businesses clarify their vision, their mission and their values, then setting the direction from there.

As we’re amongst friends, we’ll be frank: a ton of money has been spent and enough hot air to launch the Montgolfier Brothers to the Moon and back has been wasted over complicating these three things. Because the secret is; they’re always inside you, you just need to look. Even without knowing it, you use vision, mission and values as a system to check in when you’re doing just about anything that’s important to you.

Here’s a quick example that will help you clarify your vision, mission and values:

Imagine you’re going out for a meal with your boyfriend or girlfriend (or husband or wife, if your boyfriend or girlfriend is busy!).

Even without knowing it, you use vision, mission and values as a system to check in.  Tweet This Quote

Easy right?

So sack the consultant and try it yourself. It’s inside you. Anytime you’ve got a challenge that needs a successful outcome (your vision – most often you should set this first, as it sets a direction of travel), a purpose (your mission), and in getting there, you’ll need to hold true to who you are (your values), just look inside. It’ll be there, you just have to look and you’ll find it.

Sack the business consultant and try it yourself!  Tweet This Quote