
Election Day: Trump, Clinton, and the Rebirth of Brand USA

“Photo from Unsplash

To the world, brand USA has always been about more than a country – it represented an idea of dreams pursued and happiness attained. In light of this volatile election, that concept has taken a body blow.

Has the U.S. fallen? Or is this merely a rebirth by fire? Tweet This Quote

Has the U.S. fallen? Or is this merely a rebirth by fire? If it is indeed a rebirth, what will the new brand USA become?

To shed some light on the psychological implications of the election, the candidates, and the zeitgeist, I invited my old friend and collaborator John Marshall Roberts for a discussion on the issues beneath the surface. What we unearthed was both disturbing and – for the long run – reassuring. Enjoy the conversation.

This post originally appeared on Marc’s blog.