Do you feel like there are never enough hours in a day to get everything done? Good news, you are not the only one. Read this post for tips on how you can become a Productivity Ninja.
Despite the assumption that we only need left-brain logic to build successful ventures, the best companies tend to come from founders who have a relentless need to birth innovation.
Gandhi didn't take vacation for fifty years. He didn't need it. Read this post to find out how being an entrepreneur isn’t about sacrifice—it's about indulgence.
This post is about the tradeoff between being inventive and copying a known business model—a lesson often overlooked by entrepreneurs and investors alike.
As an entrepreneur, you can't face everything every day. So, you compartmentalize. But, that's risky to do alone. You need someone to help sort through it.
Traveling is exhausting. It's easy to feel torn between thinking about all of the work back home and being present in market. How can you handle this and get your s#*t done?
If it’s hard for entrepreneurs to have a life, it’s doubly so for entrepreneurs solving the biggest problems in the world, but having a healthy life is better for both you and your company.
If we’re serious about breaking down silos, we could start by holding fewer sector-specific events and running more on issues and challenges—and other common themes running through the ‘for good’ sector.
How many times have you justified your pizza by telling yourself the tomato sauce and veggie toppings are providing some nutritional value? Or maybe that, yeah, you had two slices of pizza, but at least you didn’t have three? Avoid those sorts of rationalizations by internalizing the following two food rules
Fifty percent of people who start an exercise program drop out by six weeks. Yet six weeks is just about the time we start seeing positive results of new behaviors. Stick with it, and those behaviors become part of who you are. So how do you get over that hump? Plan to fail.
Burnout can destroy the best of ideas and intentions. While an idea can, in theory, be limitless, the brain is a physical organ with limitations. If these limitations aren’t acknowledged the consequences can be grave. Don't let burnout destroy your idea.