Thought leaders from startup, social science, and design sectors share thoughts on what a future of automation and artificial intelligence means for us.
This interview is part of a series conducted with mentors during Project Literacy Lab. Hear from two serial entrepreneurs about how they measure success.
As a serial entrepreneur who advises the White House, Jeff Hoffman speaks to universal themes facing entrepreneurs: failure, uncertainty, success, and more.
Are you a skilled enough leader to design yourself out of a job? Read this post to learn the secret to steering the ship while everyone else keeps the ship moving in the direction you point them.
If your venture's going to solve the world's biggest problems, you must convince investors to believe in what you are doing. Read this post for the secret.
The true measure of success is not how many companies you’ve started. Not how many “exits” you’ve had. Not how much money you made or how many houses you own. No, the true measure of success in life is how many other lives you made better.
Organizations evolve, people grow apart and sometimes things get messy. How do you handle this stuff founder-to-founder in front of employees and investors?