You Must Answer “Yes” to All The Following
- Is your company using technology to solve a “BFP” (i.e. Big F#&king Problem)
We are looking for ventures focusing on telemedicine, nano-tech, mobile banking, clean-tech, democratizing education, disaster relief, biotech…etc. In short, we are searching for companies leveraging technologies that will help define progress in our time. - Is your company at a stage where it is strategic to work internationally?
Unreasonable at Sea presents an incredible opportunity to leverage technologies that are already working in one market, and help move them globally. We are looking for companies who can convince us that their company will benefit wildly from the experience of an international accelerator at sea. - Are you currently working full time on your venture?
A full-time commitment is defined as a minimum of 40 hours per week. - Do you have at least one team member who is currently working full-time with you?
We believe in the power of teams and will only accept applications on behalf of teams that are at least 2 people in size. If you have 100 employees and individuals on your team, that is ok with us, but if you are going at this alone, we will not read your application. - At minimum, do you have a prototype to market or have you run a pilot?
We do not select ventures at an idea stage. You must have a prototype or have completed a pilot program at minimum to be accepted. As noted above, we prefer to work with companies ready to scale internationally and who have already gained significant traction in at least one market. - Is your venture a for-profit company?
We are capitalists at heart in that we believe in the power of markets to solve needs at scale. Consequently we do not work with NGO’s or non-profit organizations. - Has your venture generated at least $1 in revenue from selling a core product or service?
We hold all companies who apply to this standard unless there is a compelling reason they have not yet sold their product or service (for example, many bio-tech companies need to run years of trials before they can sell a product). - Do you have a relentless entrepreneurial spirit & are you hungry to take your venture to global scale?
You get where we are going with this. - Are you 18 years of age or older?
You could be 80 years old, but due to a number of legal issues, we can’t accept applications under the age of 18. - Are you a Founder or Co-Founder of your organization?
Although we will be accepting 2 to 3 individuals from each company selected, we insist that the founder or co-founder joins us on the voyage. - Are you able to make key, high-level, direction-shifting decisions?
(such as investment and major partnerships) on behalf of your organization? Typically, this is the role of a CEO or CTO, but doesn’t necessarily have to be. - Can you read, write, and speak in English fluently?
The entire program will be taught in English. English doesn’t need to be your first language, nor do you need to be prolific in English, but you will need to be able to read, write, and speak in English. - If accepted, will you be able to attend the ENTIRE Unreasonable at Sea program from January 6, 2013 –
April 25, 2013.
Your application is NOT eligible for consideration if:
- Your company exists on behalf of a research project.
- Your company is focused on lobbying activities.
- Your company is charity based and/or a foundation based organization.
- Your company is a faith-based initiative
Most Importantly…Will You Ever Stop?
- Are you completely obsessed with meeting the social or environmental need you are addressing?
Do you refuse to allow any setback, any criticism, and any seemingly insurmountable obstacle to prevent you from measurably improving the lives of at least one million people? If so, welcome! We are excited to read your application!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]