Go out and mentor someone. Even if you think you're too young or inexperienced, or that you don't have anything to give quite yet, trust me—there is always someone a step (or more) behind you who will learn an incredible amount from you.
So many people in startup land go with the crowd and, thus, create the umm-teenth version of something that already exists. The supposedly smarter ones go against the crowd, which is not much better, as their theory of change is simply based on negating what everybody else is doing.
Although daunting, serial entrepreneur, coach, and venture capitalist, Pascal Finette, challenges the typical startup to go to scale—arguing that it's the only way how you can build truly great companies and change the world.
The head of Singularity University’s Startup Lab on why you should thank the person who gave you feedback first because they just gave you a huge gift—they told you something which you can use to become better at what you're doing and become a better person in general.
There are no trophies for creating the most connections while networking. Stop thinking of it as a sport and remember the value of creating genuine relationships.
You have this one lifetime of potential happiness, and you'd be a fool to bet on anything less than going for it! Are you willing to wager on your happiness?
Fear of failure is why some of the best companies are never built, why some of the most important discoveries are never made and why people spend forty years in jobs they hate. So, ask yourself: what's the worst that can happen?
If there is a single thing, a single activity and a single metric you should care about when building a business (or a sustainable open project – which you should run like a business anyway), it is cash-flow.