Entrepreneurship is messy. We need to do a better job of making sure more people get the whole story—the good and the bad. This book is an insider's look.
Gandhi didn't take vacation for fifty years. He didn't need it. Read this post to find out how being an entrepreneur isn’t about sacrifice—it's about indulgence.
Most of us won't change the world in a huge way. But, we can all do something. Here are four actionable steps to take to start leaving a positive dent.
Billionaire Peter Thiel claims that college education is a bubble and doesn’t provide more value than an insurance policy, but in reality, today’s knowledge-based economy requires mastery of a wide assortment of technical skills, ability to work in groups, and continual learning.
Executive and entrepreneur explains why her Russian degree has been the foundation from which she built her career—plus five simple tips that will get you on the road to your “top.”
Conventional wisdom about education is right, attending a brand-name college can offer a major boost to your entrepreneurial career, but degrees don’t determine your destiny.
Corporate attorney turned entrepreneur and impact investor relates his journey into work that not only impacts the lives of clients, but also the lives of the people that they seek to serve.
Accomplishments are important, but fundamental career advantage comes from being able to make decisions about what you want—not from accomplishing things.