Entrepreneur and CEO explains why professional success ultimately has to do with how much you help other people and how to start creating value while in college.
Entrepreneur, writer, and CEO explains how to prepare for a meaningful career while in college—the first step being to reject or accept society's definition of success.
In a culture so focused on success, it’s easy to forget the importance of failure—turning challenges into learnings is the greatest skill any entrepreneur can learn.
If it’s hard for entrepreneurs to have a life, it’s doubly so for entrepreneurs solving the biggest problems in the world, but having a healthy life is better for both you and your company.
When you heed the call and step out from the shoulds and shouldn’ts to live from a place of must, you begin your journey as an entrepreneur with the ability to impact the world.
Myths abound when it comes to categorizing personality traits of an entrepreneur – data makes it clear, successful entrepreneurs come from all backgrounds.
Clean energy entrepreneur and author unravels how entrepreneurs can take simple and accessible solutions Steve Jobs employed at Apple and apply them to new markets.
Although daunting, serial entrepreneur, coach, and venture capitalist, Pascal Finette, challenges the typical startup to go to scale—arguing that it's the only way how you can build truly great companies and change the world.
The head of Singularity University’s Startup Lab on why you should thank the person who gave you feedback first because they just gave you a huge gift—they told you something which you can use to become better at what you're doing and become a better person in general.
Being an entrepreneur is challenging. We are inspired about the win of climbing to the top of the mountain. So when people say “I think I want to be an entrepreneur,” here are the top five things CEO and founder, Pamela Hawley, would consider.
Measuring impact, designing for impact, and applying business methods toward impact: These are not always easy, but they’re almost always doable and eventually make things a lot easier.
Technologies once thought as science fiction, like Rosie from the Jetsons, have become possible and being aware of the realities and prepared for the opportunities means constantly redefining yourself.
Although luck clearly does happen, I disagree that you should wait for it. In your career, you will have opportunities to take your circumstances and turn them into something that really works for you. Here's how.
Attracting attention isn't just good for social enterprises; it’s critical to their survival. Few things can help accomplish that like a great media interview. But you'll have to know how to make the most of it.
A common belief is that it is only the young who can innovate. But we may be better off motivating and empowering older workers. They are the ones who are best equipped to solve the big problems.
Agile and Holacracy are so superior to our traditional methodologies for running businesses and communities and for creating anything new, they should be adopted everywhere immediately.