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70/30 Food Tech

Creating plant-based ready meals that enrich human health using fermentation technology

Photo of Eve Samyuktha

Eve Samyuktha

Founder & CEO at 70/30 Food Tech

More about Eve »
Employees 6–20
Headquarters Shanghai, Shanghai, China
70/30 Food Tech develops mycelium and plant-based products that offer meat substitutes with a healthy nutritional profile. The company uses fermentation technology to create ready meals and protein-replacement options that allow consumers to enjoy tasty comfort food while providing functional health benefits like sustainable weight loss, increased muscle mass, and improved blood sugar levels.

Headquartered in Shanghai, 70/30 Food Tech is the first and only functional ready-meal company in China that is 100% plant-based—and will be the first to introduce mycelium protein food technology to the Chinese market. The company has recently completed its seed round and plans to leverage partnerships to expand nationwide.

Notable Achievements

  • Successfully developed fungi-based protein that will soon gain pre-market approval from the National Health Commission of China, giving us a
  • Organized a product pilot in 2021 that has built a customer base of 1,000+

Currently Operating in One Region

Press Mentions

February 22, 2024

70/30 Food Tech Closes $700K Seed Extension & Launches Research Lab for Mycelium Protein

Read on Green Queen »

February 20, 2024

70/30 Food Tech Launches Mycelium Research Lab and Successfully Closes Seed Extension

Read on PRNewswire »

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