Turning tons of agricultural waste into clean, inexpensive cooking fuel for people across Africa.
Each year, nearly 10 million acres of forest are cleared across the African continent to produce fuel-wood, contributing to widespread deforestation. Eco-Fuel Africa makes forest-clearing for fuel-wood a thing of the past by converting thousands of tons of agricultural waste into clean, inexpensive cooking fuel for people across Africa. Their business model is comprised of three separate components: kilns, which are leased to farmers to convert their agricultural waste into charcoal powder; an Eco-Fuel Press Machine, which presses charcoal powder into clean-burning briquettes; and women retailers, who form a network within their community and are able to make a living by retailing Eco-Fuel's briquettes. Today, the company works with over 2,500 farmers and a network of over 600 women.
Currently Operating in One Region
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