Laying the foundation for the next paradigm shift in the aviation sector.
Notable Achievements
- Secured investments from leading global players such as Falko, CityJet, and Spirit AeroSystems (Term Sheet executed)
- Team with 460+ years’ experience, access to public funding and industry networks
- $400m of infrastructure support enabled by the founding team members which is essential for technology development
Currently Operating in One Region
Press Mentions
May 10, 2023
Parliamentarians gather to discuss aviation sector decarbonisation
Parliamentarians discuss decarbonisation of aviation sector at a meeting. The meeting aims to find ways to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable aviation.
Read on AerospaceTweets »December 6, 2022
SNC-Lavalin to support EAG on hydrogen technologies
Project management company SNC-Lavalin Inc. of Montreal entered into a strategic agreement with the UK's Electric Aviation Group around H2ERA, a planned
Read on Wings Magazine »April 4, 2022
Spirit AeroSystems To Work on Electric Aviation Group's Hydrogen Airliner Plans
The aerostructures group is to collaborate in the development of a 90-seat airliner but has yet to specify what its role will be.
Read on FutureFlight »January 18, 2022
Electric Aviation Group Launches Megawatt Stack Fuel Cell Systems Development Business to Accelerate Decarbonisation of the Aviation Sector - Hydrogen Central
Electric Aviation Group launches megawatt stack fuel cell systems development business to accelerate decarbonisation of the aviation sector.
Read on Hydrogen Central »January 17, 2022
Electric Aviation Group launches fuel cell development spin-off
Hot on the heels of the December launch of an electric motor business, UK technology firm Electric Aviation Group (EAG) has set up its second spin-off, this time focused on the development of...
Read on Flight Global »January 6, 2022
Electric Aviation Group to partner with the University of Nottingham on electric propulsion
Electric Aviation Group is partnering with the University of Nottingham to develop an electric propulsion system for its electric regional aircraft
Read on Aerospace Testing International »More Ventures in Energy & Environment
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