Unreasonable Fellows

Katie Taylor

CEO at Khethworks

Katie Taylor is CEO of Khethworks, a company that brings affordable high-quality technology to small-scale farmers in developing countries. Katie started in liberal arts as an undergraduate, but decided the hard tool of engineering would best help her make scalable impact. So she became one of the first women to complete the dual degree program between Pomona and Caltech. Later, as a Tata Fellow at MIT, she travelled to India to learn first-hand about the challenges small-acreage farmers faced. She identified affordable year-round irrigation as the top priority problem, and one that technology could help solve. Katie and her teammates designed a robust hyper-efficient solar-powered irrigation system, working closely with the farmers throughout the process. They founded Khethworks, moved to Pune, India in early 2016 to take their product to market. At Khethworks, Katie is living her personal mission: creating sustainable technology to amplify life’s yields, helping others have an unprecedented level of control over their livelihoods.