As a manager, executive, or business owner, figuring out the most effective and beneficial way to run a one-on-one meeting is a situation you will face again and again. Here's what to talk about.
Firing is a necessary evil in the world of owning your own business. Letting team members go gracefully is an unfortunate but important skill to master as a founder and leader of a start-up company.
Strong communication skills lay the foundation for future literacy skills and can prevent debilitating disadvantages such as inability to gain employment due to communication inefficiency.
Learning to network well is a critical skill for an entrepreneur to master. Learn the keys to networking and building relationships from a veteran entrepreneur and venture capitalist.
Assuming you’re fortunate enough to have investors, one of the things they’ll do is give you advice — solicited and unsolicited. And since your investors are smart, you should listen to everything they have to say, right? Wrong.
How do you get the world to care about complex environmental issues? Louie Psihoyos, director of "The Cove" and "Racing Extinction," is out to do just that — one film at a time.
How do you get the world to care about complex environmental issues, like the bleaching of the coral reefs? Louie Psihoyos is out to do just that — one film at a time.
Running effective board meetings seems to come down to 2 factors: the people on your board, and how you run the meeting. See how you can move the needle.