Unreasonable Mentors
Ronaldiaz Hartantyo
Co Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of MYCL-Mycotech Lab. Architect turned into mushromm farmer
Ronaldiaz is an Unreasonable Mentor. Ronaldiaz was part of Unreasonable Impact Asia Pacific 2021 (Jun), and has advised over 14 Unreasonable companies.
Ronaldiaz Hartantyo (Co Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Mycotech)
Architect turned to Mushroom Farmer
Architecture graduate of ITB 2007, coordinator of Ganesha Hijau, movement towards eco-campus movement. Since 2010 active in traditional houses preservation movement called Rumah Asuh. 2011 involved in re-construction of Wae Rebo Traditional House, Flores. From 2011-2013 Working as professional architects at HAP Architects in Jakarta for various project on conservation throughout Indonesia.
in Singapore, in charge of WAF (World Architecture Festival) 2012, Archifest 2012, and 2013 pavillion and several conservation projects of Indonesian Heritage with PDA( Architecture Documentation Center). He was also Jolkona Catalyst Alumni in Fall 2015 in Washington University, Seattle, WA, US. Also a winner of Shell Livewire International 2015 and Finalist of Falling Walls 2016, Sendai, Japan. Selected Designer for What IF Lab Program Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 2018 and DBS Foundation 2018 Social Entreprise Awardee.