Unreasonable Mentors

Ronie Mak

Managing Director - RS Group

Ronie is an Unreasonable Mentor. Ronie has participated in 3 programs, including Unreasonable Impact Asia Pacific 2022, and has advised over 40 Unreasonable companies.
Ronie leads and manages the strategy, operations and development of RS Group’s activities in HK and globally. RS Group is a mid-sized HK-based family office committed to creating a paradigm shift in people’s values and priorities so that economic growth will support, instead of jeopardize, human development and environmental sustainability.  She led the launch of the RS Group Impact Report in 2016 and the incubation of the Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFi) in 2018, a private investor community platform that aims to drive demand and promote sustainable finance in HK. Ronie is a Shareholder Member of SFi.
Currently, she is driving the “Natural Capital Initiative”, aimed at deploying catalytic capital to support innovative investment solutions that can protect and enhance natural capital in Asia. Projects under this initiative include a US$3 million blended finance funding window, as well as the development of a “Nature Venture Builder” for Asia. The latter is aimed at supporting nature-based businesses and investment models by providing funding and hands-on venture support to entrepreneurs in Asia, until they reach a stage of attracting institutional capital.
Ronie is a firm believer that one should, and can, “invest in the future one wants to create”.
Ronie has over 15 years of banking & finance experience. Prior to joining RS Group in 2014, she spent a total of 12 years at HSBC across various roles (CEO office, Strategy, Investment Banking). During this period, she also acted as the Secretary of the Hong Kong Association of Banks in 2012. Ronie was born in Hong Kong and graduated from the University of New South Wales in Sydney with merit and a double degree in finance and marketing, Bachelor of Commerce. 
麥依敏 – 執行總監 RS Group
麥依敏女士(Ronie)負責領導和管理 RS Group 在香港和全球的業務及發展。RS Group是本港一間中型家族辦公室,致力於催化社會價值觀的改變,以期經濟發展不會危及人類發展及環境的可持續性。Ronie並領導了RS Group於2016年完成的影響力報告及由RS Group旗下於2018年新成立的” 香港可持續金融倡導平台”(SFi – http://sustainablefinance.hk/)SFi 乃一專注於私人投資者的共建平台,旨在推動可持續金融在香港的發展。Ronie 現為該平台的股東會員。
目前,Ronie倡導另一個以自然資本的計劃,旨在引導私人資本進入以亞洲地區為主的自然項目,該項目包括一個300萬美元 “混合融資計劃”,以及為亞洲開發 “自然風險投資商” ,後者旨在通過為亞洲的企業家提供資金和實際風險支持來發展基於自然的企業和投資模式,直到他們達到吸引機構資本的階段。
Ronie 堅信人們應該,而且可以 “投資於自己想要創造的未來”。
Ronie有超過15年的銀行和金融經驗。在2014加入RS 集團前,她在匯豐銀行工作了12年,負責各個團隊的工作(包括CEO辦公室,戰略和業務管理以及投資銀行等)。在此期間,她還在2012年擔任香港銀行公會秘書。其他職位包括畢馬威企業融資,UPS併購和匯豐企業融資等。Ronie出生於香港,以優異成績畢業於悉尼新南威爾士大學,獲得商業及金融和市場營銷學士雙學位。
Photo of Ronie Mak