The real work of social innovation is to fix our broken human systems. The way to do that is by inviting real diversity into our lives; seeing and then removing the boundaries between us.
Go out and mentor someone. Even if you think you're too young or inexperienced, or that you don't have anything to give quite yet, trust me—there is always someone a step (or more) behind you who will learn an incredible amount from you.
So many people in startup land go with the crowd and, thus, create the umm-teenth version of something that already exists. The supposedly smarter ones go against the crowd, which is not much better, as their theory of change is simply based on negating what everybody else is doing.
When you heed the call and step out from the shoulds and shouldn’ts to live from a place of must, you begin your journey as an entrepreneur with the ability to impact the world.
Myths abound when it comes to categorizing personality traits of an entrepreneur – data makes it clear, successful entrepreneurs come from all backgrounds.
Clean energy entrepreneur and author unravels how entrepreneurs can take simple and accessible solutions Steve Jobs employed at Apple and apply them to new markets.
A new strategy emerges that makes bisecting of investing and philanthropy into two separate activities illogical according to veteran entrepreneur of five startups.
Although daunting, serial entrepreneur, coach, and venture capitalist, Pascal Finette, challenges the typical startup to go to scale—arguing that it's the only way how you can build truly great companies and change the world.
The head of Singularity University’s Startup Lab on why you should thank the person who gave you feedback first because they just gave you a huge gift—they told you something which you can use to become better at what you're doing and become a better person in general.
Measuring impact, designing for impact, and applying business methods toward impact: These are not always easy, but they’re almost always doable and eventually make things a lot easier.