This company, based in Singapore, wants to leave a world where conserving water is a way of life and where our carbon & water footprints are a net positive.
In Kenya with a population of 45 million, 17.5 million lack safe water. With its unique technology, Susteq makes water kiosks more innovative and effective.
What would it take to identify promising innovations faster, more often, and with the full might of public and private partners? That is the challenge before us.
Unreasonable Institute fellow Divya Yachamaneni, deputy general manager of Naandi Community Water Services, explains how her company is bringing clean drinking water to rural Indian families for less than $2 per month. NCWS’s low-cost water-purification stations are now in more than 400 villages, delivering clean, safe drinking water to about 600,000 people.
Every 20 seconds a child dies for lack of access to potable water. Pedro Delgado of Agua Inc is combatting the water crisis and changing the world for the better.
Our marketing strategy can now increase sales to 1000 liters of water a day within two months of opening — a level at which the company begins to turn a profit. In this post, we share the most successful tactics with you.
Once upon a time, Paseka was sitting on the toilet and had a “Eureka!” moment. We could be saving 72 Billion Gallons of water per year- the equivalent of 10,000 Olympic swimming pools.
Interviewing world innovator Paul Polak- he discusses the simple steps that most entrepreneurs don't take when trying to create a successful business in foreign and poverty-stricken markets.
We all have moments in our lives where something shifts, clicks into place. For me it was in June of 2008, when I clamped my feet to the end of the robotic Canadarm-2 on the International Space Station.
To create a new company, Pedro, founder of Agua Inc., and some college students experiment in The Gambia with the intention of expanding his revolutionary biotechnology to new markets around the world.
Watch how this Unreasonable Institute entrepreneur is bringing a sustainable solution to a problem affecting 900 million people who lack access to clean water.