It's time for major corporations to undergo a revolution. Opportunities to create profitable businesses serving 3 billion bypassed customers are limitless.
Challenges abound when launching and growing an enterprise. But if you are deliberate about learning from the end customers, you're more likely to succeed.
Bangladesh is one of 57 countries that faces a critical shortage of doctors. mDoc exists to solve the issue of providing healthcare to millions of people.
The real work of social innovation is to fix our broken human systems. The way to do that is by inviting real diversity into our lives; seeing and then removing the boundaries between us.
Go out and mentor someone. Even if you think you're too young or inexperienced, or that you don't have anything to give quite yet, trust me—there is always someone a step (or more) behind you who will learn an incredible amount from you.
We are too up tight, living in a time of professional and political correctness that is dulling our ability to enjoy our lives while at work—where many of us spend nearly one third of our adult lives and entrepreneurs even more.
CEO and founder of the first Unreasonable East Africa Institute reflects on the valuable lessons learned that build a foundation for future development in East Africa and an ecosystem for entrepreneurs to thrive.
If it’s hard for entrepreneurs to have a life, it’s doubly so for entrepreneurs solving the biggest problems in the world, but having a healthy life is better for both you and your company.
The head of Singularity University’s Startup Lab on why you should thank the person who gave you feedback first because they just gave you a huge gift—they told you something which you can use to become better at what you're doing and become a better person in general.