In today's world, digital literacy is key. This startup aims to provide all Africans with access to reliable, inspiring, and educational digital content.
How many potentially great products have died prematurely because they weren’t given the time? Or because they were rushed? Maybe it's time to slow down.
Thought leaders from startup, social science, and design sectors share thoughts on what a future of automation and artificial intelligence means for us.
The U.S. government mostly failed to help people manage globalization; if technologies are to be enjoyed, governments will have to do much better this time around.
There’s no shortage of problems entrepreneurs can solve. But there is one challenge that is essential to solving all others — for everyone on the planet.
We are just commencing the greatest shift society has seen since the dawn of humankind. As always, it will arise from breathtaking advances in technology.
We should only allow ourselves the luxury of looking to the future once we have fixed the solvable problems of the present with technologies we possess.
Project Literacy Lab represents the world’s first accelerator for entrepreneurs dedicated to closing the global literacy gap by 2030. Here are the 16 ventures.
Here is a 6-point plan to prevent technology for development from becoming a sector full of replication, failed pilots, secrecy and near-zero collaboration.
Ken Banks had no idea how to help solve some huge, complex problems out there. But lack of certainty and answers turned out to be a great starting point.