AI is going to become our guide and companion — and take millions of jobs away. We can deny it, be angry or ignore it. But if we do, we will be the losers.
Through artistry and fierce resourcefulness, this filipino immigrant hacked the American dream and become one of the top social influencers in the world.
The narrative of the VC process–find a few heroic entrepreneurs and create next unicorn–doesn’t work for most founders or investors. Here's an alternative.
Poker teaches us how to create win-win situations, which is important in today’s interconnected economy. But what if we played with a more abundant currency?
For entrepreneurs, culture is often the make-or-break ingredient to help teams succeed or doom them to inevitable collapse. Here's why office space matters.
From staging fake drug deals to spamming her own network like a Nigerian prince, the author of The Misfit Economy shares how guerrilla marketing helped along the success of her book launch.
We all want to empower our team members to make their own decisions. But what does that mean, and how can we better help them know how and when to act?
It's time for major corporations to undergo a revolution. Opportunities to create profitable businesses serving 3 billion bypassed customers are limitless.
This post is about the tradeoff between being inventive and copying a known business model—a lesson often overlooked by entrepreneurs and investors alike.
Listen to this song written by entrepreneur, economist, farmer, and musician, that describes the story of an evolutionary mindset this entrepreneur experienced that allows him to mold impact out of many different mediums.